Category: Uncategorized

2024 roundup

2024 has been a bit of a rollercoaster, but I want to focus on the positive aspects here. Firstly, I would like to thank Ben Eshmade and Daylight Music, as well as Mich Leemans at Ancienne Belgique, for giving me the opportunity to curate Sonic Pieces showcases as part of their concert series. It was a beautiful and memorable way to celebrate the label’s 15th anniversary, and in particular the last event at The Hot Tin in Faversham, UK, was magical.

Also a big thank you to Raúl Pastor Medall for collaborating on a third solo album for Sonic Pieces and furthermore for taking me to his mum’s country house in Castellón, Spain – the place where he grew up and which provided the imagery for “Limestone Gravitas”, the publication that accompanies his new record. It was a truly special moment to be there together, compiling the book and working on the layout.

In general, I really enjoyed continuing the mi – so editions art book series and, in addition to “Limestone Gravitas”, I worked on two more publications during the year. At the beginning of 2024, I completed “Poetry” with Frank Schültge (F.S.Blumm), a collection of his drawings that we had already started working on in 2023. And it was a pleasure to collaborate with Morgan Cuinet on a publication as well as exhibition of a series of his collages entitled “Ekotopia”.

I’m grateful for all the amazing in-store concerts we’ve had at mi – so this year. And while they were all special in their own way, the mini-residency with Peter Broderick at the end of October definitely stood out. It somehow added another layer to the experience, almost spiritual. And it was wonderful to see Peter again after many years and even play a round of Carcassonne like in the old days.

We also continued our exhibition series at mi – so and I very much enjoyed being more involved in the curation. What was new was that sometimes small details or objects remained after the exhibition ended. Thanks to Franziska Lutze, we were able to refine our space with some colour accents. And we started displaying and selling pieces by ceramic artist Deborah Metherell. Her porcelain is simply beautiful and fits perfectly with our aesthetics.

Last but not least, heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us this year by purchasing our releases or a piece of art, visiting our shop or attending an event, as well as everyone who has written about us or our releases or supported us in other ways. Without you, what we do would not be possible!

– Monique Recknagel, December 2024

Visiting mi – so

… I look for good quality and materiality in almost anything. It’s more than just an aesthetics but a way of living in the world…”

Read an interview with Monique (and Erik) about our Berlin store mi – so and the challenges of running a record label at Headphone Commute.

“the multidisciplinary publisher and label owner combines craftsmanship with design in an elegantly minimalist way and presents her products in an equally stylish shop” – the good page

iir berlin just published a feature on Monique / mi – so with some great photos of our store :
>> the good page

Photo by Isabell Simon

mi – so editions art book series

In 2023 we started a series of art books called mi – so editions. The limited publications are hand-crafted in the typical Sonic Pieces style and printed with Risograph technique in Berlin. Now mi – so editions also have an own section on this website.

mi – so editions 01 : Erik K Skodvin – Nothing left but silence
mi – so editions 02 : Tim Tetzner – A slow painful read
mi – so editions 03 : Sylvain Chauveau – The Line Compositions
mi – so editions 04 : Sylvain Chauveau – Graphic Scores Book


sonic pieces 001

Today, exactly 15 years ago, on the 9th of March 2008 I had arranged a concert evening with Nils Frahm and Library Tapes at NBI in Berlin. To help promote the show I made a 3inch CD-R with tracks from both artists in an edition of 77 (which is the year I was born). I wrote sonicpieces 001 on it without the intention to start a record label. However this event triggered a series of coincidences, and I was curious where this path would lead to. It only took a little over a year until I released “Wintermusik” by Nils Frahm – the first CD with the distinct Sonic Pieces book packaging that accompanied the label since then. (Monique / Sonic Pieces)

sonic pieces 001, 3″ cdr.

Cisser Mæhl, a new artist on Sonic Pieces

Cisser Mæhl and I were introduced by Stephan Mathieu in March 2021. After exchanging a few emails it became clear that we both wanted to meet in person. Cisser was living in Copenhagen at that time and instantly agreed to come to Berlin, but in a follow-up email she said, Denmark was now considered a “risk area” and Germany wouldn’t allow her to enter. She did some research and found out about the declaration for absolute necessity business travel that I could fill in and that would enable her to come. So I did, and we spent a couple of nice days together in Berlin in April of 2021, mostly walking around the city as there weren’t many places we could go to.

It was great having her back last weekend for two intimate performances at our Berlin store (where this photo was taken). And after some delays I’m happy that her debut album “Innemuseum” will finally see the light of day in exactly one month, on 3rd of March, 2023. (Monique / Sonic Pieces)

Monique & Cisser at mi – so store, Berlin. photo by Erik K Skodvin

re-covered exhibition at mi – so store

collages by sonic pieces (2022) / textiles. cardboard. paper.
29th of September 2022 — 3rd of February 2023 at mi – so store
Price list in-store. For international interest, please get in touch

“re-covered” is a series of collages for which Sonic Pieces label owner Monique Recknagel stepped out of her usual routine of crafting packages for CDs and vinyl records. After more than 15 years of working with book binding techniques and materials, it was time to think outside the box and adapt it in a different way.

Using leftover and sample materials from Sonic Pieces covers as well as elements based on the artworks of the records, it is easy to connect these works with the label identity. As with Sonic Pieces releases, colours are a central element. The simple, geometric shapes remind of minimal utility designs taken out of context and resulting in unique, stand-alone pieces.

The collages have been created during spring and summer 2022. It is the first time they are shown in public.

mi – so store : Gustav-Müller-Platz 1, 10829 Berlin

Sonic Pieces – Two new releases

Two new Sonic Pieces records are officially out and streaming as of today. Otto A Totland´s new album Companion is now available (LTD LP / LTD CD and Standard LP edition). Though beware, low stock on LTD LPs. سایه [sāje] by Oliver Doerell (Dictaphone, Swod) and Iranian percussionist Jawad Salkhordeh is also available in an edition of 300x. This record comes packaged in a full-coloured, spot varnished sleeve as part of the next chapter of our PATTERN series. Our Berlin store is also currently hosting an exhibition with collages by Helga Raimondi connected to this release.

Oliver Doerell & Jawad Salkhordeh – سایه [sāje]

It finds its home in the unknown, unexplored areas of sound, in the liberal, sprawling paths within; areas not yet mapped out. Spellbinding rhythms slip into the fabric of its sound with ease, and the music seems to be well-balanced. – Fluid Radio on Saje

Immersive, richly textured cross-fertilization of Persian traditional music & Ambient Electronics. – Hardwax

Otto A TotlandCompanion

From the delicate melodies to his beautiful playing, from the tastefully somber storytelling to the technical attention put in each recording, and finally from the overall delivery to the completely absorbing transfer of his mind to mine, through the keys and the fingers, that is what makes this Norwegian composer stand out among the rest. – Headphone Commute on Companion

Totland’s music implies that we have a choice: to return to the rat race, the relentless pace of industry and commerce, the numbing extravagance of mindless entertainment; or to pause, not because we have to, but because we want to – A Closer Listen on Companion

Both can be purchased through our webshop

Sonic Pieces – PATTERN series exhibition at our Berlin store

The Sonic Pieces PATTERN series has reached its first 10 releases in laser cut sleeves. From catalogue no. 011 on the packaging will change. With this in mind, we are presenting the first 10 artworks in an exhibition at our small Berlin store / gallery. During the exhibition period, we are offering all the PATTERN vinyl for reduced prices. The covers will be on display from July 15th until October 2nd. More info at mi — so store.

Opening of our new Berlin store / gallery

We´re excited to announce the opening of our new showroom for Sonic Pieces + Miasmah in our beautiful spot here in Berlin Schöneberg. The space will also act as a gallery and record shop for our labels and related items. The opening will be during the weekend of August 14+15th, coinciding with an exhibition of F.S.Blumm´s artwork and pre-release of his new album “In Sight”. RESERVATION only(!), spread over 4 time frames. Book your slot here :