mi - so editions 02 27. October 2023
Tim Tetzner - A slow painful read
Edition: 45x numbered books
28 pages, 13.9 x 19.7cm
Hand bound with recycled cardboard and bookcloth,
embossed logo on the back
Risoprint by drucken3000 in Berlin on uncoated paper,
plus Japanese end paper
“A slow painful read” is a complement to Tim Tetzner’s exhibition “Affordance and Feedback Withdrawal”. It was standing at mi – so Berlin from the 27th of October, 2023 to the 3rd of February, 2024 and showed a series of analogue / digital drawings, taking their origin in microscopic details extracted from the xeroxed cover artwork of Punk and Hardcore releases. Via collaging, redrawing and digitizing, the source material – mostly random fragments of counterculture folklore – leaves the realm of the physical drawing. And context, meaning, significance and attribution dissolve in a monochromatic abstraction of ruin-like beauty.
As a reference to D.I.Y publishing culture of the pre-digital era and paper aesthetic in general, Berlin visual artist Tim Tetzner pays tribute to the immersive drawing styles of Savage Pencil, Raymond Pettibon and Nick Blinko – but transfers their gestural outline into textural abstractions of zen-like formlessness, reminescent of Japanese Sumi-e drawing.